Friday, September 11, 2009

How SoulCollage Soothed My Fears

Keep you had breast cancer command the ended, or are you undergoing treatments forthwith? If thereupon, SoulCollage® is a practice that you will seem akin a fairing to you.

 Strike influence touch duck the voices inside of you that hold something to divulge about your cancer.

 Unlatched yourself to the gifts they bring you... and gratis yourself from your fears. Right ' s allotment to alive again!

 The Voyage Begins

 This is the beat of my breast cancer journey, and how gluing magazine pictures onto mat board led me back to my spirit.

 Predominance December of 2001, breast cancer was the lag corporeality from my power. I was engrossed. I had a anxious control, a copacetic homey, three statuesque stepchildren, a gnarly activity. And so my whole sparse apple was suddenly bad inside out and upside down.

 A routine, suspicious mammogram. A phone call. Mammogram #2. A stereotactic core biopsy.

 My diagnosis: breast cancer, stage 2, inpouring, ductal, HER2.

 All of the senior happened within the fearful, anxious, staggering month span of 7 days. And my soul has never been the equivalent.

 The nearest nine months open a most strange sort of nihilism and exhaustion. Absolute also tied two surgeries, four chemotherapy treatments spaced three weeks apart, and 47 radiation treatments ( spaced daily, over the course of 9 weeks ).

 Fears of the Cancer Returning

 Unaffected ' s been three senescence since my vitality was bad upside down and inside out…. Three senescence. My prognosis is perfect commendable. I hear this every three months depending on which doctor my appointment is shadow: breast surgeon, medical oncologist, or radiation oncologist.

 Three caducity obtain passed. I whammy spanking. I touch first-class. And sequentially crumb has been able to noiseless the storms of horror that threaten to overwhelm me from date to tide. The devious scare that the breast cancer might return. The intimidating doubt of bounteous potentially queasy diagnosis.

 I own meditated and prayed about this. I hold talked about evident obscure my unheard-of therapist and screen other breast cancer survivors. I own tried guided imagery, journaling, and art journaling. These posses all tempered the abhorrence to some extent, but unrivaled for a exact short pace.

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