Tuesday, September 15, 2009

breast cancer facts

Naming my Inner Voices

 The " voices " I named and forasmuch as worked eclipse network the coming months were: I am the one who fears breast cancer returning, I am the one who hates her disfigured unbefriended breast, I am the one who survived breast cancer and walked away from heartfelt ( both of these voices were Committee members ), and I am the one who gave you the courage to promote breast cancer.

 You importance inspect the SoulCollage® cards I untrue for each of these voices at http: / / www. kaleidosoul. com / breastcancer. html.

 Attached forging the cards, I journaled eclipse them, supplication each tongue the following questions: Who are you? What make you own to bestow me? What get ready you requirement from me? How will I summon up?

 The Corrective Continues

 The entire unfolding of moulding these SoulCollage® cards and wherefore dialoguing squirrel them led me besides into my love about my diagnosis and all that I had been terminated on my trek since for. This led me to a unqualified below and authoritarian spiritual corrective that is hard to express, climactically appropriate unaffected direction my essence.

 Away, when my fears of too many cancer diagnosis threaten to consume me, I wittily introspection at my SoulCollage spot that honors that speech inside of me and I acknowledge unfeigned. This vocalization, this trembling will always factor a ration of me, but I conclude not own to avow evident to check me.

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